"Diversity is having a seat at the table. Inclusion is having a voice.
And belonging is having that voice be heard."

- LIZ FOSSLIEN, author

Prairie Hill's Mission Statement

The Prairie Hill Waldorf School aims to educate children of all races, religions and socioeconomic backgrounds. It is our mission as an educational community to prepare individuals for the needs of the world of the 21st century.

As a part of an international movement, we work with the insights into child development, human spirituality, and pedagogical practice offered by Rudolf Steiner and many others. Our curriculum upholds the highest principles of academic excellence, artistic experience, and craftsmanship in practical work, while addressing the gifts and challenges of each student.

It is our endeavor to send forth young people with a foundation of knowledge that will allow freedom of thought, a reverence for the diversity of the human condition that will foster social and cultural responsibility, and a strength of ability that will provide for the full realization of their own potential.

Prairie Hill's DEIJ Statement

Prairie Hill Waldorf School exists within the larger community of Waldorf schools with a long-standing commitment to social renewal. We strive to create a conscious, and collaborative learning community that provides our students with the necessary foundation for adapting to our ever-changing world.

In accordance with these values, we are committed to supporting diversity, equity, and inclusion as a pathway to social justice and to rectify the explicit and implicit biases that undermine the efforts of building a healthy social life. We are dedicated to the self-reflection needed to strengthen this mission. We are committed to awakening to the needs of all and ensuring that our school addresses diversity, equity, and inclusion in ways that are meaningful and impactful.


DEIJ and our curriculum

DEIJ and our curriculum

DEIJ Committee Communication

Land Acknowledgement 

Prairie Hill Waldorf School exists within the larger community of Waldorf schools with a long-standing commitment to social renewal. We strive to create a conscious, and collaborative learning community that provides our students with the necessary foundation for adapting to our ever-changing world.

In accordance with these values, we are committed to supporting diversity, equity, and inclusion as a pathway to social justice and to rectify the explicit and implicit biases that undermine the efforts of building a healthy social life. We are dedicated to the self-reflection needed to strengthen this mission. We are committed to awakening to the needs of all and ensuring that our school addresses diversity, equity, and inclusion in ways that are meaningful and impactful.

Supporting Articles

DEIJ Vocabulary

This is a glossary of foundational terms and affirming language used in our conversations about topics of DEIJ.

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Pedagogy of Belonging

The psychological sense that one belongs in a classroom and school community is considered a necessary antecedent to the successful learning experience.

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Kim John Payne Article

We will be linking the article here for people to click on! Yay!

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Short and Sweet Headlines are Best!

Short and Sweet Headlines are Best!

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